Mac & PC

PC, Mac, Linux

Laptops, Towers, All-In-One devices; Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome Book - I work with it all. Blue screen, email issues, hardware failure, locked yourself out after a window update? I can help. Loud fan, damaged charging cables, maybe even a bent pin in the charging socket; broken screens, useless batteries? If you name it I've probably seen it before. No job is too big, and no question is too small.

Scammed? Caught A Bug? Unbearably Slow?

Scammers suck, I'm extremely familiar with the tactics scammers use and the tools they deploy, we can get them out of your PC, cut their remote connection, and run a full system check up to get rid of any nasty busm they may have left behind.

$30 - $60, In most Cases

$80, If There's Malware

** It's important to have your machine looked at if someone you don't know has accessed it, for that reason I do what I can to keep this service affordable.

Full System Checkups; Viruses, Malware, Aware, Trojans, PUPs, there's about a hundred different ways to refer to software you probably don't want on your computer. Believe it or not, probably 6 in 10 old/slow machines I see labeled as a "lost cause" turn out to be this; More than 2 in 10 simply have too many applications running at startup; And at least 1 in 10 has two or more anti-virus applications fighting for the system resources.

Age shouldn't typically cause most computers to run slower, If your computer's not running well something is probably wrong. Let me take a look, I don't charge if you don't see an improvement.

$50 - $90, Typically

+ Parts, If Needed